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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 172
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-131 (5 June 1979)

Activation of small molecules by transition metals. The reaction of CS2 with η5-C5H5Mo(CO)3R (R = Me, Et)
Pages C1-C3
Neil J. Coville, Michel O. Albers
Metal formyl complexes. The reaction of sodium pentacarbonylmanganate with acetic[13C]formic anhydride
Pages C4-C6
R. A. Fiato, J. L. Vidal, R. L. Pruett
Etude des reactions des reactifs de grignard allyliques vis a vis du benzyne et du cyclohexyne
Pages 1-10
J. G. Duboudin, B. Jousseaume, M. Pinet-Vallier
Unexpected chemistry in an attempted generation of a sterically hindered silene
Pages 11-19
Thomas J. Barton, Christopher R. Tully
Si---C-spaltung in 2-thienylsilanen durch sekundäre amine
Pages 21-29
Reinhold Tacke, Emese Zimonyi-Hegedüs, Ulrich Wannagat
Substitution at saturated carbon XXIII. Initial-state and transition-state solvent effects of methanol, acetonitrile and DMSO on some R4Sn/HgX2 reactions
Pages 31-38
Michael H. Abraham, Jenik Andonian-Haftvan, Mohammad Reza Sedaghat-Herati
Chemie polyfunktioneller liganden L. Chrom-, molybdän- und wolframcarbonylkomplexe eines organocyclotriarsans
Pages 39-56
Jochen Ellermann, Helmut A. Linder, Helmut Gäbelein
Transition metal complexes of diazenes XII. Synthesis and dynamic properties of (cis-diazene)M3(CO)9 clusters (M = Fe, Ru)
Pages 57-67
P. Mastropasqua, P. Lahuerta, K. Hildenbrand, H. Kisch
The chemistry of hetero-allene and -allylic derivatives with rhodium I. The reaction of rhodium(I)-hetero-allylic compounds with hetero-allenes; A. -isothiocyanates [1]
Pages 69-79
D. H. W. Thewissen, H. L. M. Van Gaal
The preparation and some catalytic activity of polymer-supported η5-cyclopentadienyl-rhoduim and -cobalt dicarbonyls
Pages 81-89
B. -H. Chang, R. H. Grubbs, C. H. BrubakerJr.
Influence of the phosphine ligands in the 1H and 31P NMR behaviour of [(η3-allyl)Py(phophine)Cl] complexes
Pages 91-97
G. Carturan, A. Scrivanti, B. Longato and, F. Morandini
Studies on main group metal-transition-metal bonded compounds 7. A 199Hg NMR study of home group of some group VI trasition-metal mercury compounds
Pages 99-107
M. J. Albright, J. P. Oliver
Studies on the reactions of (η5cyclopentadienyl)dicarbonylcobalt with phenyl-1-naphthylacetylene and with phenyl-2-naphthylacetylene, and an X-ray crystallographic determination of one of the products: (η5cyclopentadienyl)-[η4-3,3-di-(1-naphthyl)-2,4diphenylcyclobutadiene]cobalt
Pages 109-131
M. D. Rausch, E. F. Tokas, E. A. Mintz, A. Clearfield and, Margaret Mangion, I. Bernal

Issue 2, Pages C7-C37, 133-267 (12 June 1979)

σ,π-Conjugation in organomercurial systems
Pages 133-142
A.N. Nesmeyanov, V.T. Aleksanyan, L.I. Denisovich, Yu.S. Nekrasov, E.I. Fedin, V.I. Khvostenko, I.I. Kritskaya
Catalyse heterogene en presence de sels et sans solvant : II. Hydrosilylation d'aldehydes et de cetones satures et α,β ethyleniques
Pages 143-152
J. Boyer, R.J.P. Corriu, R. Perz, C. Reye
Homogeneous catalysis: VI. Hydrosilylation using tris(pentanedionato)rhodium(III) or tetrakis(μ-acetato)dirhodium(II) as catalyst
Pages 153-163
Andrew J. Cornish, Michael F. Lappert, Grace L. Filatovs, Terence A. Nile
Asymmetric induction in benchrotrene derivatives: diarylimines
Pages 165-169
A. Solladie-Cavallo, E. Tsamo
An interdependent site exchange process of some 16-electron bis-acetylene-molybdenum complexes
Pages 171-176
J.W. Faller, H.H. Murray
The preparations and decompositions of some chloroacetyl-transition metal derivatives
Pages 177-184
Makonnen Dilgassa, M.David Curtis
The synthesis of the zero-valent nickel complexes via di-π-allylnickel
Pages 185-192
A.N. Nesmeyanov, L.S. Isaeva, T.A. Peganova, P.V. Petrovskii, A.I. Lutsenko, N.I. Vasyukova
Reactions of some electrophilic olefins with (carbonato)bis(triphenylphosphine)- and (carbonato)bis(triphenylarsine)-platinum complexes
Pages 193-199
M.Francia Zuckerman, H. Ulrich
The selenium-mercury interaction: synthesis, spectroscopic and x-ray structural studies of methylmercury-selenourea complexes
Pages 201-211
Arthur J. Carty, Shaun F. Malone, Nicholas J. Taylor
Cyclo-hydrosilylation: A novel route to siloxetanes and silanones
Pages 213-221
Thomas H. Lane, Cecil L. Frye
Stereospecific syntheses of new manganese(I) isocyanide derivatives
Pages 223-238
P.M. Treichel, David W. Firsich
The synthesis and crystal and molecular structure of H3(μ-η2-C6H4)(μ-η2-HC3NC6H5)Os3(CO)8
Pages 239-249
Richard D. Adams, Nancy M. Golembeski
Syntheses and Reactivity of Organohletallic Cohlpounds Containing Ihlinoacyl Ligands. Reactions of Hletal Carbonyl Anions with Ihlidoyl Halides
Pages 251-267
Synthesis of allyl complexes of iron, manganese and molybdenum by phase transfer catalysis
Pages C7-C12
Dorothy H. Gibson, Wen-Liang Hsu, Da-Sheng Lin
Ruthenium(0) Catalyzed Isomerization of Allylbenzene. The Detection and Isolation of A Hydrido-η3-Allyl Intermediate
Pages C13-C19
Edward O. Sherman Jr., Merle Olson
Oxidation of organoboranes containing primary alkyl groups with pyridinium chlorochromate. A direct synthesis of aldehydes from terminal alkenes
Pages C20-C22
C. Gundu Rao, Surendra U. Kulkarni, Herbert C. Brown
Synthesis and characterization of an arylcobalt-corrin
Pages C23-C26
Kenneth L. Brown, Russell J. Bacquet
Hydroformylation of formaldehyde
Pages C27-C28
Jerome A. Roth, Milton Orchin
Activation of metal-acyl oxygen atoms by triflic anhydride: a simple synthetic route to reactive cationic vinylidene complexes
Pages C29-C32
Barbara E. Boland, Sami A. Fam, Russell P. Hughes
Inorganic Chemistry in Liquid Ammonia : by David Nicholls, Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, 1979, x + 238 pp., Dfl. 110.00, $ 49.00.
Page C33
William L. Jolly
Transition Metal Organometallics in Organic Synthesis : edited by H. Alper, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York/San Francisco/London, 1978, xi + 185 pages, $ 19.00.
Pages C33-C35
N.F. Semmelhack
Inorganic Polymers : by N.H. Ray, Academic Press, New York/San Francisco/London, 1978, 174 pages, $ 17.35.
Pages C35-C36
Harry R. Allcock
Progress in NMR spectroscopy, Volume 11 : edited by J.W. Emsley, J. Feeney and J.R. Sutcliffe, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978, vii + 298 pages; $ 40.00 (£ 20)
Pages C36-C37
Alan Pidcock

Issue 3, Pages 273-383, C39-C50 (19 June 1979)

Electron spin resonance studies of aryl-substituted cyclopolysilane anion-radicals
Pages 273-283
A.C. Buchanan III, Robert West
The crystal and molecular structure of triphenylsilythiirane
Pages 285-291
G. Barbieri, G.D. Andreetti, G. Bocelli, P. Sgarabotto
Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy of organotin compounds : IX. Geminal tin---tin coupling constants of the type 2J(Sn---tC---Sn)
Pages 293-298
Terence N. Mitchell, Mostafa El-Behairy
Mössbauer studies of some heteroaryl- and substituted aryl-tin compounds
Pages 299-302
David W. Allen, John S. Brooks, Ralph Formstone
Aromatic lead(IV) compounds : X. H and C NMR spectroscopy of compounds ArnPb(OAc)4−n (n = 1---4)
Pages 303-308
D. de Vos, D.C. van Beelen, J. Wolters
Photolysis of η-cyclopentadienylmethyltricarbonyl derivatives of chromium, molybdenum and tungsten: formation of paramagnetic alkyl—metal species by photochemically-induced electron and methyl transfer
Pages 309-315
E. Samuel, M.D. Rausch, T.E. Gismondi, E.A. Mintz, C. Giannotti
Strukturchemie titanorganischer Verbindungen: die Struktur von π-(CH6)6C6Ti(Cl2AlCl2)2 · C6H6
Pages 317-324
Ulf Thewalt, Friederike Österle
Redox reaction of arenetitanium(II) complexes with cyclopentadiene leading to (η5-cyclopentadienyl)titanium(III) complexes: an epr study
Pages 325-329
K. Mach, H. Antropiusová, J. Polačekst
The coordinative properties of cis/trans-1,4-diphosphabutene and 1,4-diphosphabutyne in carbonylvanadium compounds
Pages 331-339
Hans-Christoph Bechthold, Dieter Rehder
gh3-Allyl-carbonyl-vanadium-komplexe mit Liganden des Typs ph2p(ch2)n,pph2 (n = 1, 3,4)
Pages 341-348
Uwe Franke, Erwin Weiss
Zur Kenntnis der Chemie der Metallcarbonyle und der Cyanokomplexe in fluüssigem Ammoniak : XXXIV. η5-Cyclopentadienyl-carbonyl-nitrosyl-carbamoyl-mangan(+I), die erste Röntgenstrukturanalyse eines Carbamoylkomplexes mit einer unsubstituierten NH2-Gruppe
Pages 349-358
Dieter Messer, Günter Landgraf, Helmut Behrens
Planare Iridium(I)-komplexe mit Tri-t-butylphosphin als Liganden
Pages 359-365
H. Schumann, G. Cielusek, J. Pickardt, N. Bruncks
Preparation and properties of rhodium(I) complexes of phosphinated poly(methylsiloxanes)
Pages 367-376
Mark O. Farrell, Charles H. Van Dyke, Lawrence J. Boucher, Sol J. Metlin
Stabilization of organosilver(I) compounds, and their application in organic synthesis
Pages 377-383
H. Westmijze, H. Kleijn, P. Vermeer
Übergangsmetall-methylen-komplexe : IX. Molekülstruktur von μ-methylen-bis[dicarbonyl(η5-methylcyclopentadienyl)mangan](Mn---Mn), μCH2[(η5-CH3C5H4)Mn(CO)2]2
Pages C39-C42
Michael Creswick, Ivan Bernal, Wolfgang A. Herrmann
The organometallic chemistry of phenalene : Neutral and cationic η2-complexes of phenalene
Pages C43-C46
James B. Woell, Philip Boudjouk
Areneiron complexes from metal atom evaporation
Pages C47-C50
D. Steven, Chadwick A. Tolman

Issue 4, Pages 385-489 (26 June 1979)

The structure and variable temperature 13c nmr spectra ofμ,μ′-(1,3-dithiolatocyclohepta-4,6-diene)hexacarbonyl-diiron(I)
Pages C59-C62
Alan Shaver, Paul J. Fitzpatrick, Kosta Steliou, Ian S. Butler
Electronic structure and reactivity of X2Co2(CO)6 (X2 = RC2R′, P2, As2) and RxR′ 6-xC6Co2(CO)4 radical anions
Pages C63-C65
R. S. Dickson, B. M. Peake, P. H. Rieger, B. H. Robinson, J. Simpson
Hydrazido(2-) (or isodiazene) complexes of tungsten
Pages C55-C58
Joseph Chatt, Martin E. Fakley, Peter B. Hitchcock, Raymond L. Richards, N. Tuyet Luong-Thi, David L. Hughes
Complexes organometalliques a liaisons metal—metal : XIII. Preparation de clusters heterotetrametalliques platine—molybdene et platine—tungstene et structure cristalline de Pt2Mo25-C5H5)2(CO)6[P(C2H5)3]2
Pages C51-C54
Robert Bender, Pierre Braunstein, Yves Dusausoy and, Jean Protas
Reactivite des carbanions benzyliques : VII. Assistance electrophile et stereoselectivite d'alkylation de l'isopropyl-9 lithio-10 dihydro-9,10 anthracene
Pages 385-390
Michele Daney, Rene Lapouyade
Synthesis of 2- and 4-aryl-m-carboranes and electronic effects of the 4-m-carboranyl group
Pages 391-395
V. N. Kalinin, N. I. Kobel'kova, L. I. Zakharkin
Stereoisomerization processes in cis-octahedral-bischelate complexes: Activation energies associated with the different rearrangement modes in the case of phenylchlorobis(benzoylacetato)tin
Pages 397-404
Antonino Recca, Francesco A. Bottino, Giuseppe Ronsisvalle, Paolo Finocchiaro
Rate-structure studies of the carbonylation and decarbonylation of substituted metal carbonyl complexes
Pages 405-413
J. N. Cawse, R. A. Fiato, R. L. Pruett
Diaminocarbeneisentetracarbonylkomplexe : II. Darstellung und spektroskopische untersuchungen des unsubstituierten diaminocarbeneisentetracarbonyl-komplexes
Pages 415-420
Wolfgang Petz
Synthesis and structure of a σ-allyl chelate complex of palladium(II)
Pages 421-426
I. Cynkier, N. G. Furmanova, Yu. T. Struchkov, L. Yu. Ukhin and, A. I. Pyshchev
Organolead chemistry : Part VI. Removal of methyllead compounds from aqueous solution by reaction with zinc
Pages 427-444
Martin H. Hitchen, A. Kenneth Holliday, Richard J. Puddephatt
Aminoaryltellurium(IV) trihalides
Pages 445-461
Frank J. Berry, A. K. Gupta, B. L. Khandelwal, K. Raina
Reduction of nitro- and nitroso-benzenes to azobenzenes promoted by tris(acetonitrile)tricarbonylchromium
Pages 463-466
Anthony C. Knipe, Samuel J. McGuinness, William E. Watts
Halogen cleavage reactions of cis-(threo-PhCHDCHD)Mn(CO)4PEt3
Pages 467-477
D. Dong, M. C. Baird
The signs of nuclear spin-spin coupling constants in some organoplatinum compounds
Pages 479-489
John D. Kennedy, Ian J. Colquhoun, William McFarlane, Richard J. Puddephatt